OSVR Tracker Viewer

The OSVR Tracker Viewer is a utility program which displays the positions and orientations of one or more tracker devices.

Installing OSVR Tracker Viewer

Prebuilt binaries of OSVR Tracker Viewer are available for Windows. For other operating systems, check the app store or software repository. Otherwise, instructions for building from source follow.

Building OSVR Trackver Viewer

  1. Install the prerequisites. Building the OSVR Tracker Viewer has the following prerequisites:

  2. Checkout the source code. Check out the OSVR Tracker Viewer source code from the git repository.

  3. Run CMake. Run CMake and set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to point to the installation directories of OSVR-Core and OpenSceneGraph.

  4. Build OSVR TrackerViewer. Run make and make install in Linux and OS X. In Windows, open the generated project file in Microsoft Visual Studio and build the project.

Running OSVR Tracker Viewer

Running OSVR Tracker Viewer will display the following trackers (if available) by default:

If you wish to see other trackers, you may provide their paths on the command line:

OSVRTrackerView --pose /me/head
OSVRTrackerView --orientation /me/head

Additional command-line options and usages are shown with the --help option.

You can zoom by dragging with the right mouse button or scrolling the scroll wheel. Clicking and dragging with the left button rotates your view of the data. Note that the tool starts up showing you the standard OSVR coordinate system and orientation, so rotation is rarely useful. Pressing the spacebar will reset the view to its default orientation.

The large set of axes is the world coordinates in OSVR—the viewer loads in the standard orientation. Each smaller set of axes is a tracker.

As is convention, the x-axis is red, y-axis is green, and z-axis is blue (xyz-RGB).


If you need further assistance, email us at support@osvr.com.