Integrating OSVR with Unity

  1. Install Unity. OSVR works with Unity 4.6 and 5.x.
  2. Download OSVR-Unity. You may download prebuilt binaries and extract the files somewhere convenient. Note that while only limited information is shown on the download page, the compressed file and its contained folder have a long, meaningful filename. Keep the long folder name in place, since it uniquely identifies the build you're using and can help troubleshooting if there are issues. You can also download the plugin from the Unity Asset Store, though this version necessarily lags the binary snapshots due to the manual submission and review process involved.
  3. Import the package into your project. This contains all the assets required for the OSVR client (game) interface. Make sure ClientKit.dll is in your plugins folder.
  4. Start the OSVR server. A copy of the latest server is bundled in the same compressed file as the .unitypackage file. When you want to test your game, ensure your devices are plugged in and start the OSVR server before running your game.

Further information


If you need further assistance with integrating OSVR with your Unity game, email us at