Installing OSVR for Linux

Building OSVR from source

Note: full instructions for building OSVR from scratch on Ubuntu 14.4 can be found here

  1. Prerequisites. Many of the prerequisites may be available in your Linux distributions repositories. If you prefer to install them manually, the list of prerequisites follows:

  2. Acquire the source code. Check out the source code from the OSVR-Core repository.

  3. Create a build directory. To keep the source repository clean of temporary and generated build files, create a separate directory to contain the build. We usually create a directory named build inside the OSVR-Core directory.

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
  4. Generate a Makefile. Run CMake to generate a Makefile. Set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to the location where you would like the OSVR files to be installed:

    $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/osvr
  5. Compile OSVR. Navigate to the build directory you created in step 3 and run make to build OSVR. Optionally run make install to install the OSVR programs, libraries, and sample configuration files.

    $ make
    $ make install

Next steps


If you need further assistance with installing OSVR, email us at